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Seller Terms • FundBig

Terms and Conditions

Users of who register as a Seller (hereinafter referred to as Sellers) agree to the following terms and conditions:

1 – FundBig LLC does not curate images that are uploaded to its website. However, FundBig LLC may, at its discretion, remove any image or delete Seller accounts that FundBig LLC believes may be detrimental to its website user experience.

Sellers agree to refrain from uploading to images that are inappropriate for a general viewing audience that may include children.

Such images may include, but are not limited to, pornography, overly political imagery, racist, homophobic, divisive, or insulting imagery, and images whose purpose is promotional rather than artistic.

2 – Sellers warrant that they hold the legal rights to publish and sell the images they upload to, including copyrights. Sellers relieve FundBig LLC from any liability connected to their uploaded images.

3 – Sellers agree to follow directions provided by (see Image Requirements on the About page) for preparing images for upload, to enable the finest possible print quality. Sellers relieve FundBig LLC from any liability or disputes caused by printing of low-resolution, blurry, or otherwise low-quality images.

4 – Sellers will be paid for their sale 22 days after purchase was made (to allow for customer exchanges or refunds).