Raising funds, artfully.
Buy gallery-quality art prints and support artists, schools, institutions, and charities doing good in our world.
Sell prints of your art online and raise funds for yourself or your organization. FundBig is free to use!

Artists win. Photographers, painters, illustrators – they make money and sell their art.

Schools win. They make money by selling prints of their students’ art to family and friends.

Institutions win. They use their valuable resources, selling art prints to their patrons and donors.
Each month, FundBig donates a portion of its profits to an organization doing good in our world. Learn more…

Ten years ago my sister died of an opioid overdose. My mission became clear. My work now focuses on victims, witnesses and survivors of opioid/substance use and the stigma which inhibits prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Exhibited internationally at universities, art centers, museums and galleries, I have participated in more than 100 exhibits including 25 one-person exhibitions and have been recognized several times including seven best of show awards. My work is regularly featured and reviewed in local, national and international media including National Public Radio, ABC, BBC and many more. 300,000 people follow my work on social media.